The whole nation and the armed forces deserve a hearty congratulations, Pemra Balochistan Chairperson Darchin Murri - News advertisment

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The whole nation and the armed forces deserve a hearty congratulations, Pemra Balochistan Chairperson Darchin Murri

 Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Quetta (Urdu Point Latest News - Online. May 28, 2024) PEMRA Balochistan Chairperson Darchin Marri has said in her message on the occasion of Takbeer Day that May 28 is the day of renewal of pledge, on the occasion of this important day, the entire nation and the armed forces Armed forces deserve a hearty congratulations, let us all celebrate and highlight the day of becoming a nuclear power of the country in a good way so that the enemies of Pakistan are forced to think a thousand times before looking at it with a blind eye, Pakistan belongs to the world of Islam. It is the first nuclear country, that's why being the only nuclear power of the Muslim Ummah, it is in the eyes of enemy countries, but thanks to the brave soldiers of Pakistani forces, no enemy country can even think of aggression against Pakistan. The history of the aggression is a witness that thanks to the Pakistani forces, it got a humiliating defeat.

He said that twenty-six years have been completed since Pakistan became the first nuclear power of the Islamic world, (today) Takbeer Day is being celebrated, on this day, special events are being organized in Balochistan including across the country. After the nuclear explosions by India at the Chaghi place, India got the honor of becoming the seventh nuclear power in the world. Earlier, the United States, Britain, Russia, China, France and India are countries with nuclear power. On this day, Pakistan had achieved the honor of being the first Islamic nuclear power by detonating nuclear weapons.

He said that the whole nation is proud of being a nuclear power, due to nuclear explosions, Pakistan's defense became impregnable, today no enemy can look at Pakistan with a lecherous eye, with the acquisition of nuclear capability, Pakistan's geographical borders have been secured and It was possible to counter the war frenzy and aggressive ambitions of an enemy like India. Today, if we did not have nuclear capability, the enemy could have done damage.

Ms. Darchin Murri said that May 28 is a day to appreciate courage and bravery, on the same day, the country's defense was made impregnable and India's pride was broken by nuclear explosion. On this day, in order to raise the flag of Pakistan in the world, and to make Pakistan an invincible power, Pakistan was the first in the Islamic world and the seventh in the world by detonating nuclear weapons against India. The nuclear power was created because a strong and invincible defense is a guarantee of peace, the honor of being the victorious world has always come to peace, due to which no enemy country has the courage to look at the beloved country with an evil eye. .

Ms. Darchin Murri said that May 28 Takbeer Day is being celebrated with great struggle, May 28 is an unforgettable day in Pakistani history, on which the entire nation is proud of being a nuclear power, Takbeer Day is national pride for the Pakistani nation, the nation. It is a day of unparalleled courage and bravery, the whole nation deserves congratulations on the Day of Takbeer. He said that on this day the whole nation gives thanks to Allah Almighty, Chaghi mountain is a metaphor for the awe and strength of the beloved country. Scientists, political and military leadership are worthy of tribute, May 28 is a day of honor and pride not only for Pakistan but for the entire Muslim Ummah, while Takbeer Day is an important milestone in the history of Pakistan.

He said that the entire nation is proud of its political leadership, armed forces and its nuclear scientists. This act of military leadership will live forever as a symbol of national security and national pride, today reiterates the determination that no sacrifice will be spared for the protection of Pakistan's geographical and ideological borders.

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